


如果不安装,使用video station播放视频的时候可能会出现:不支持当前所选音轨的文件格式,因此无法播放视频。请尝试播放其它音轨,确认其是否支持。








sudo -i

bash -c "$(curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/darknebular/Wrapper_VideoStation/main/installer.sh")" -- -s install


====================FFMPEG WRAPPER INSTALLER FOR DSM 7.0 and above by Dark Nebular.====================
====================This Wrapper Installer is only avalaible for DSM 7.0 and above only====================

FFMPEG (or GStreamer) WRAPPER INSTALLER version: SCPT_3.9.6

==================== Wrapper for VideoStation and DLNA MediaServer for DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD with transcoding to AAC 5.1: ====================
Synology VideoStation and MediaServer ffmpeg wrapper with DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD support.
It enables hardware transcoding from Synology's ffmpeg for video and transcoding DTS, HEVC, EAC3, AAC, True HD from the ffmpeg of the SynoCommunity.

When the Wrapper FFmpeg needs to transcoding you will have 2 audio's streams from the SAME track:
- In DLNA MediaServer = [1) AAC 5.1 512kbps AND 2) MP3 2.0 256kbps.] (by default)
- In  VIDEO-STATION   = [1) MP3 2.0 256kbp  AND 2) AAC 5.1 512kbps.] (by default)*
*(For Chromecast or Google TV or other clients that don´t accept 5.1 AAC neither multi audio's stream support).

Now, You can change the 5.1 audio´s codec from AAC 512kbps to AC3 640kbps independently of its audio´s streams order in VIDEO-STATION and DLNA MediaServer
using the Configurator TOOL embedded into the Installer.
(AC3 is more compatible with legacy 5.1 devices).

Works fine the OffLine transcoding and the streaming of tipical extensions like: MKV, MP4, AVI... Works fine the thumbnails in VideoStation.
You will have full control of each Audio's codecs parameter using the Configuration TOOL for the Advanced Wrapper Mode.
The only Wrapper of Internet with 5.1 AAC support and with a Configurator TOOL.

============================================================      ¡¡¡¡¡ENJOY!!!!!     ============================================================

You have ALL necessary packages Installed, GOOD.
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wrapper: START ====================

[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: You are running DSM 7.2.1
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: DSM 7.2.1 is supported for this installer and the installer will tuned for your DSM
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: DSM 7.2.1 is using this path: /var/packages/CodecPack/target/pack/bin
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: DSM 7.2.1 is using this injector: X-Advanced
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: Backup the original ffmpeg41 as ffmpeg41.orig.
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: Creating the esqueleton of the ffmpeg41
[2023-12-14 10:25:46] INFO: Injection of the ffmpeg41 wrapper using this injector: X-Advanced.
[2023-12-14 10:25:47] INFO: Waiting for consolidate the download of the wrapper.
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Fixing permissions of the ffmpeg41 wrapper.
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Ensuring the existence of the new log file wrapper_ffmpeg and its access.
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Installed correctly the wrapper41 in /var/packages/CodecPack/target/pack/bin
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Adding of the KEY of this Wrapper in /tmp.
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Installed correctly the KEY in /tmp
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Backup the original libsynovte.so in VideoStation as libsynovte.so.orig.
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Fixing permissions of /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so.orig
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Patching /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so for compatibility with AAC, DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Modified correctly the file /var/packages/VideoStation/target/lib/libsynovte.so
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Installed correctly the Advanced Wrapper in VideoStation.
[2023-12-14 10:25:50] INFO: Restarting CodecPack...
restart package [CodecPack] successfully
[2023-12-14 10:25:56] INFO: Restarting VideoStation...
restart package [VideoStation] successfully
[2023-12-14 10:26:03] INFO: ==================== Installation of the Advanced Wrapper: COMPLETE ====================

此时刷新video station,就会发现视频可以播放了~


本文最后更新于2023年12月14日,已超过 1 年没有更新,如果文章内容或图片资源失效,请留言反馈,我们会及时处理,谢谢!


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